
AD8804A 8 Bit TRIMDAC Analog Devices IC

AD8804A 8 Bit TRIMDAC Analog Devices IC

Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD8804A

Price: $11.10
86 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC419PD
Weight: 0.02oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Digital Analog Converters
12 Channel
20 Lead SOIC

Typical Specifications
((VDD = +3 V ± 10% or +5 V ± 10%, VREFH = +VDD, VREFL = 0 V, –40°C ≤TA ≤ +85°C unless otherwise noted)

Static Accuracy:
Differential Nonlinearity Error: ±1/4 LSB
Full-Scale Error: 1/2 LSB
Zero Code Error: 1/4 LSB
DAC Output Resistance: 5kΩ
Output Resistance Match: 1.5%

Reference Input:
Voltage Range: 0V to VDD
REFL Input Resistance: 1.2kQ
(Digital Inputs = 55H, VREFL = VDD)
Reference Input Capacitance(CREF0): 32pF

Digital Inputs:
Logic High (VDD = +5V): 2.4V min.
Logic Low (VDD = +5V): 0.8V max.
Input Current (VIN = 0V or + 5V): ±1 µA max.
Input Capacitance: 5pF

Power Supplies:
Power Supply Range: 2.7V min. ; 5.5V max
Supply Current(CMOS): 0.01µA typ. ; 10µA
(VIH = VDD or VIL = 0 V)
Supply Current(TTL): 1mA typ. ; 4mA max.
(VIH = 2.4 V or VIL = 0.8 V, VDD = +5.5 V)
Power Dissipation: 55mW max.
(VIH = VDD or VIL = 0 V, VDD = +5.5 V)

Dynamic Performance:
VOUT Settling Time: 0.6 µs
(±1/2 LSB Error Band)
Crosstalk (Between Adjacent Outputs: 50 dB

Low Cost
Replaces 12 Potentiometers
Individually Programmable Outputs
3-Wire SPI Compatible Serial Input
Power Shutdown <55 µWatts Including IDD & IREF
Separate VREFL Range Setting
+3 V to +5 V Single Supply Operation

Automatic Adjustment
Trimmer Replacement
Video and Audio Equipment Gain and Offset Adjustment
Portable and Battery Operated Equipment

Manufactured by: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD8804A

Full Datasheet: AD8804A