
ADM705AR Supervisory Circuit IC Analog Devices

ADM705AR Supervisory Circuit IC Analog Devices

Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Part Number: ADM705AR

Price: $1.70
180 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC469PE01
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Additional Information

Supervisory Circuits

The ADM705 is a low cost µP supervisory circuit. This device can be used to monitor 5V power supply and microprocessor activity.

Guaranteed RESET valid with VCC = 1 V
190 μA quiescent current
Precision supply-voltage monitor 4.65V
200 ms reset pulse width
1.6 sec timeout
Voltage monitor for power-fail or low battery warning

(VCC = 4.75 V to 5.5 V, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted)

VCC Operating Voltage Range: 1.0V to 5.5V
Supply Current: 190uA typ.
Watchdog Timeout Period (tWD): 1.6 sec.
- (VIL = 0.4 V, VIH = VCC × 0.8 WDI = VCC)
WDI Input Threshold
- Logic Low: 0.8 V max.
- Logic High: 3.5V min.
MR Pull-Up Current (MR = 0 V): 250uA typ.
MR Input Threshold: 0.8V max.
PFI Input Threshold: 1.25V typ.

Microprocessor systems
Intelligent instruments
Critical μP monitoring
Automotive systems
Critical μP power monitoring

Manufactured by: Analog Devices
Part Number: ADM705AR

Full Datasheet: ADM705AR