
32.768kHz Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator Dallas Maxim DS32KHZ

32.768kHz Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator Dallas Maxim DS32KHZ

Manufacturer: Dallas
Part Number: DS32KHZ/WBGA
Voltage: 5
Package: BGA
Mounting: Surface Mount
Lead/Terminal Type: Solder Ball
Number Leads/Terminals: 36
Color: Black
Temperature: 70
Shape: Square
Termination Method: Solder

Price: $10.25
103 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC517PE05
Weight: 0.03oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Crystal Oscillators
Temperature Compensated

Description / Additional Information

- Accurate to +/-1 Minute/Year (0 to +40°C)
- Battery Backup for Continuous Timekeeping
- No Calibration Required
- Low-Power Consumption
- Surface Mount BGA Package
- UL Recognized

Recommended Operating Conditions:
Power-Supply Voltage: 5.0 typ.
Battery Voltage: 3.0V typ.

DC Electrical Characteristics (Over the operating range unless specified)
Active Supply Current (VBAT = 0V or 2.7V ≤ VBAT ≤ 3.5V): 150uA typ.
Battery Input-Leakage Current (VCC MIN ≤ VCC ≤ VCC MAX): -50nA to 50nA
High Output Voltage (VCC)(IOH = -1.0mA): 2.4V min.
IOH = -1.0mA (IOL = 2.1mA): 0.4V max.
High Output Voltage (VBAT)(IOH = -0.1mA): 2.4V min.

AC Timing Characteristics (Over the operating range unless specified)
Output Frequency: 32.768kHz typ.
Frequency Stability vs. Temperature (0 to +40°C): -2.0ppm to 2.0ppm
Duty Cycle: 50% typ.
Cycle Time: 30.518us typ.
High/Low Time: 15.06us typ.
Rise Time: 200ns typ.
Fall Time: 60ns typ.
Oscillator Startup Time: 1 sec. typ.
Frequency Stability vs. Operating Voltage: 2.5ppm/v
Crystal Aging (First Year): +/-1.0ppm

- GPS Receivers
- Telematics
- Network Timing and Synchronization in Servers, Routers, Hubs, and Switches
- Automatic Power Meters

Manufactured by: Dallas Semiconductor (Maxim)
Part Number: DS32KHZ/WBGA

Full Datasheet: DS32KHZ/WBGA