
GAL16V8D-10LJ EECMOS Programmable Array Logic IC Lattice

GAL16V8D-10LJ EECMOS Programmable Array Logic IC Lattice

Manufacturer: Lattice
Part Number: GAL16V8D-10LJ
Package: PLCC
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 20

Price: $4.00
150 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC657APH02
Weight: 0.03oz ONZ
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Additional Information

EECMOS Programmable Array Logic ICs
High Performance PLD

Combing a high performance CMOS process with E2 floating gate technology, the GAL16V8 provides very high speed performance. It has a maximum propagation delay time of 3.5ns. This device can be reprogrammed fast and efficiently due to the high speed erase time of <100ms.

- High Performance E2CMOS Technology
- 50% to 75% Reduction in Power From Bipolar (75mA typ ICC)
- Active Pull-ups on all Pins
- E2Cell Technology
- 8 Output Logic Macrocells
- Preload and Power-On Reset of all Registers

DC Electrical Characteristics (Over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted):
(See Data Sheet for Parameter Conditions)

Input Low Voltage: VSS-0.5V to 0.8V
Input High Voltage: 2.0V to VCC+1
Input or I/O Low Leakage Current: -100uA max.
Input or I/O High Leakage Current: 10uA max.
Output Low Voltage: 0.5V max.
Output High Voltage: 2.4V min.
Low Level Output Current: 24mA max.
High Level Output Current: -3.2mA max.
Output Short Circuit Current: -30mA to -150mA

- DMA Control
- State Machine Control
- High Speed Graphics Processing
- Standard Logic Speed Upgrade

Manufactured by: Lattice
Part Number: GAL16V8D-10LJ

Full Datasheet: EECMOS PLD Generic Array IC GAL16V8D-10LJ Lattice