
CY7C25652KV18-500BZC SMT 72Mb SRAM Memory IC Cypress Semiconductor®

CY7C25652KV18-500BZC SMT 72Mb SRAM Memory IC Cypress Semiconductor®

Manufacturer: Cypress®
Part Number: CY7C25652KV18-500BZC
Amps: 1.211
Voltage: 1.9
Package: FBGA
Mounting: Surface Mount
Lead/Terminal Type: BGA
Number Leads/Terminals: 165
Color: Black
Temperature: 70
RoHS Compliant: Yes
Shape: Rectangle
Termination Method: Solder
Size (mm): 15.2 x 13 x 1.28

Price: $250.00
42 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC941APS07
Weight: 0.02oz ONZ

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Additional Information

Surface Mount Sychronous, QRD II + Memory ICs
165 (13 x 15) BGA Package

- Four-word burst for reducing address bus frequency
- Double data rate (DDR) interfaces on both read and write ports
- Two input clocks (K and K) for precise DDR timing (SRAM uses rising edges only)
- Full data coherency, providing most current data

Type: Volatile
Format: SRAM
Interface: Parrallel
Technology: Synchronous, QDR II+
Memory Size: 72Mb (2M x 36)
Clock Frequency: 500MHz
Voltage Supply: 1.7V to 1.9V
Operating Current (max): 1210mA
Operating Temperature: 0 to 70°C

Dimensions (as measured)
Length: 15.2mm (0.60")
Width: 13.0mm (0.51")
Thickness: 1.28mm (0.05")

Manufactured by: Cypress Semiconductor®
Part Number: Cy7C25652KV18-500BZC