
ADM699AN Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits IC Analog Devices

ADM699AN Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits IC Analog Devices

Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Part Number: ADM699AN

Price: $1.75
51 available for immediate delivery
Code: AND029PD
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Additional Information

Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit
8 Pin Dip Package

Maximum Ratings:
VCC: -0.3 V to +6 V
All Other Inputs: -0.3 V to VCC + 0.3 V
Power Dissipation 8-Pin Dip: 500mW
- 0JA Thermal Impedance: 120°C/W
Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C
Storage Temperature: -65°C to 150°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering):
- Vapor Phase: 215°C 60s
- Infrared: 220°C 15s

Guaranteed RESET Assertion with VCC = 1 V
Low 0.6 mA Supply Current
Precision 4.65 V Voltage Monitor
Power OK/Reset Time Delay
Watchdog Timer
Minimum Component Count
Performance Specified over Temperature

Microprocessor Systems
Intelligent Instruments
Automotive Systems
Critical µP Power Monitoring

Manufactured by: Analog Devices
Part Number: ADM699AN

Full Datasheet: ADM699AN