
MOV Metal Oxide Varistor S07K35GAS2 Epcos

MOV Metal Oxide Varistor S07K35GAS2 Epcos

Manufacturer: Epcos
Part Number: S07K35GAS2
Amps: 250
Voltage: 45
Voltage (Vac): 35
Watts: .02
Lead/Terminal Type: Radial
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Color: Blue
Temperature: 85

Price: $0.25
1360 available for immediate delivery
Code: CS263APF10
Weight: 0.02oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Metal Oxide Varistors
Crimped Leads
Series: StandarD

General Technical Data
Climate Category: 40/85/56
Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C
Storage Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Electrical Strength: ≥2.5 kVRMS
Insulation Resistance: ≥10 MΩ
Response Time: <25ns

Maximum Ratings:
VDC: 45V
imax (8/20 us): 250A
Wmax (2ms): 2.5J
Pmax: 0.02W

Vv (1mA): 56V
ΔVv (1mA): ±10%
Maximum Clamping Voltage
v: 110V
i: 2.5A
Ctyp (1kHz) 1050pF

Diameter (max): 12.0mm (0.47")
Thickness (max): 4.4mm (0.17")
Height (max-excluding leads): 14.4mm (0.57")
Lead Stagger: 1.8mm ± 1mm (0.07")
Lead Space: 7.5mm ± 1.0mm (0.30")
Lead Diameter: .06mm ± 0.05mm (0.02")

Manufactured by: Epcos (Siemens)
Part Number: S07K35GAS2

Full Datasheet: MOV S07K35GAS2 Epcos