
1N5342B .5W 6.8V Silicon Zener Diode Surmetic 40 Motorola®

1N5342B .5W 6.8V Silicon Zener Diode Surmetic 40 Motorola®

Manufacturer: Motorola® (On Semiconductor®)
Part Number: 1N5342B
Amps: .7
Voltage: 6.8
Watts: .5
Tolerance (%): 5
Mounting: Through Hole
Lead/Terminal Type: Axial
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Color: Black
Temperature: -65 to 200°C
Shape: Round (Cylindrical)
Termination Method: Solder
Size (mm): 8.89 x 3.68

Price: $0.25
309 available for immediate delivery
Code: DI253PD
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Additional Information

Voltage Regulator Zener Diodes

Leads: Axial, Readily Solderable
Finish: External Surfaces Corrosion Resistant
Polarity: Cathode indicated by Band

Max. Ratings:
DC Power Dissipation: 500mW
(TL = 75°C, Lead Length = 3/8")
Derated above 75°C: 4mW/°C
Operating & Storage Temperature: -65 to 200°C

Electrical Characteristics
Nominal Zener Voltage: 6.8V @ 175mA
Max. Zener Impedance: 1 ohms @ 175mA
Max. Zener Knee Impedance: 200 ohms @ 1mA
Max. Reverse Leakage Current: 10uA @5.2V
Max. Surge Current: 11.5A
Max. Voltage Regulation: 0.15V
Max. Regulator Current: 700mA

Dimensions: 8.89mm x 3.68mm (0.35" x 0.145")

Manufactured by: Motorola®
Part number: 1N5342B

Full Datasheet: 1N5342B