
2.3W 47K ohm Surface Mount Resistor Network CTS 768161473G

2.3W 47K ohm Surface Mount Resistor Network CTS 768161473G

Manufacturer: CTS
Part Number: 768161473G
Watts: 2.3
Ohms: 47000
Tolerance (%): 2
Package: SOIC
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount || Network
Number Leads/Terminals: 16
Material: Film
RoHS Compliant: Yes

Price: $0.65
1842 available for immediate delivery
Code: G142PE06
Weight: 0.01oz ONZ
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Additional Information


SMT Resistor Networks
Series 768

- Medium Body Design
- Low Profile---Board to Network Clearance of 0.0075”±0.0025”
- Solid Ceramic Construction
- No Internal Dendrite Growth
- Compatible With Reflow Solder Process

Circuit Type: Bussed
Resistance: 47K ohm
Tolerance: ±2%
Power Rating: 2.3W @ 25°C ; 1.5W @ 70°C
Max. Resistor Power: 0.15W @ 25°C ; .010W @ 70°C
Max. Operating Voltage: 50V not to exceed rated power
Temperature Coefficient: ±100ppm/°C
Dielectric Strength: 100VAC

Length: 11.18mm (0.44")
Width: 5.59mm (0.22")
Height: 1.6mm (0.063")

Manufactured by: CTS
Part Number: 768161473G

Full Datasheet: 768161473G