
ADS1210U ADS1210 U Surface Mount AD Converter IC Burr Brown

ADS1210U ADS1210 U Surface Mount AD Converter IC Burr Brown

Manufacturer: Burr Brown
Part Number: ADS1210U
Package: SOP
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 18

Price: $21.04
110 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC013PE05
Weight: 0.02oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Analog to Digital Converters

Description / Additional Information

- Delta-Sigma A/D Converter
- Effective Resolution 23 Bits @ 10Hz, 20Bits @ 1000Hz
- Differential Inputs
- Programmable Gain Amplifier
- SPI� Compatible SSI Interface with 2-Wire Mode
- Internal/External Reference
- On-Chip Self Calibration

Specifications: (All specifications TMIN to TMAX, AVDD = DVDD = +5V, fXIN = 10MHz, programmable gain amplifier setting of 1, Turbo Mode Rate of 1, REFOUT disabled, VBIAS disabled, and external 2.5V reference, unless otherwise specified)

Analog Input Voltage Range: 0Vmin. ; 5V max.
Analog Input Impedance(G = Gain, TMR = Turbo Mode Rate): 4/(G-TMR) MΩ typ.
Analog Input Capacitance: 8pF typ.
Analog Input Leakage Current @ 25�C: 5pA typ.
No Missing Codes (fDATA=60Hz): 22 Bits min.
Integral Linearity (fDATA=60Hz): �0.0015%FSR max.
Common-Mode Rejection(@DC, Tmin to Tmax): 115dB typ.
Internal Voltage Reference (REFOUT): 2.5V typ.
- Drift: 25ppm/�C typ.
- Noise: 50uVp-p typ.
- Load Current: 1mA max.
- Output Impedance: 2Ω typ.
Power Supply Voltage: 4.75V min. ; 5.25V max.
Power Supply Current:
- Analog Current: 2mA typ.
- Digital Current: 3.5mA typ.
Power Dissipation: 26mW typ.

- Industrial Process Control
- Instrumentation
- Blood Analysis
- Portable Instruments
- Pressure Transducers

Manufactured by: Burr Brown
Part Number: ADS1210U

Full Datasheet: ADS1210U