
ADS7808P ADS7808 P A-D Analog Digital Converter

ADS7808P ADS7808 P  A-D Analog Digital Converter

Manufacturer: Burr Brown
Part Number: ADS7808P

Price: $20.69
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Code: IC051PD
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Additional Information

Analog to Digital Converters
Serial CMOS Sampling
20 Pin DIP
Obsolete Part

100kHz Sampling Rate
72dB Sinad with 45kHz Input
Serial Output
Single 5V Supply Operation
Uses Internal and External Reference
100mW Max. Power Dissipation
Simple DSP Interface

Electrical Specs:
(At TA = –40°C to +85°C, fS = 100kHz, VDIG = VANA = +5V, using internal reference and fixed resistors unless otherwise specified)

Resolution: 12 Bits
Capacitance: 35pF
Conversion Time: 5.7us typ.
Throughput Rate: 100kHz min.
DC Integral Linearity Error: ±0.9 LSB max.
DC Full Scale Error: ±0.5% max.
AC Signal-to-Noise (fIN = 45kHz): 73dB typ.
AC Full-Power Bandwidth: 250kHz typ.
Aperture Delay: 40ns typ.
Internal Reference Voltage (No load): 2.5V typ.
Internal Reference Source Current (must use external buffer): 1uA typ.

Manufactured by: Burr Brown (Texas Instruments)
Part Number: ADS7808P

This datasheet is provided to use as a guide. ADS7808P is the dip version of ADS7808 but it is an obsolete part. It is not listed on this datasheet.

Full Datasheet: ADS7808P