EPROM M27C1001-15B1 32 pin DIP 1Mbit EPROMS 128Kb x8
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'EPROM M27C1001-15B1 32 pin DIP 1Mbit EPROMS 128Kb x8'.
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'EPROM M27C1001-15B1 32 pin DIP 1Mbit EPROMS 128Kb x8'.
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Code: IC228
Additional Information
1Mbit (128Kb x8) EPROM5V+/- 10% Supply Voltage in READ OPERATION
Access time: 35ns
Low Power Consumption:
--Active Current 30mA at 5Mhz
--Standby Current 100us/word
Electronic Signature:
--Manufacturer Code: 20h
--Device Code: 05h
The M27C1001 is a 1Mbit OTP EPROM. It is ideally suited for microprocessor systems requiring large programs and is organized as 131072 words of 8 bits.
Manufactured by SGS
Part number: M27C1001-15B1