
ADS7816P ADS7816 P 12 Bit High Speed A-D Converter IC Burr Brown

ADS7816P ADS7816 P 12 Bit High Speed A-D Converter IC Burr Brown

Manufacturer: Burr Brown
Part Number: ADS7816P
Package: Dip
Number Leads/Terminals: 8

Price: $4.10
93 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC330PE08
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Analog Digital Converters
12 Bit

- 200kHz Sampling Rate
- Micro Power: 1.9mW @ 200kHz / 150uW @ 12.5kHz
- Power Down: 3uA max.
- Differential Output
- Serial Interface

Specifications (At -40°C to +85°C, +VCC = +5V, VREF = +5V, fSAMPLE = 200kHz, fCLK = 16 . fSAMPLE, unless otherwise specified.)
Capacitance: 25pF typ.
Leakage Current: ±1uA
Resolution: 12 Bits
Gain Error: ±4LSB max.
Noise: 33uVrms typ.
Power Supply Rejection: 82dB typ.
Conversion Time: 12Clk Cycles max.
Total Harmonic Distortion (VIN = 5.0Vp-p at 1kHz): -84dB typ.
Voltage Range: 0.1V to 5V
Current Drain (At Code 710h): 38uA typ.
Logic Family: CMOS
Temperature Range Specified Performance: -40°C to 85°C

- Battery Operated Systems
- Remote Data Acquisition
- Isolated Data Acquistion

Manufactured by: Burr Brown (Texas Instruments)
Part Number: ADS7816P

Full Datasheet: ADS7816P