
ADS7805P Integrated Circuit CMOS AD Converter 28 Pin

ADS7805P Integrated Circuit CMOS AD Converter 28 Pin

Manufacturer: Burr Brown
Part Number: ADS7805P

Price: $30.00
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Code: IC378PD

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Additional Information

CMOS Converter IC
Analog to Digital Converter
16 bit; 10�s Sampling
0.3" DIP-28

The ADS7805 contains a complete 16-bit, capacitor-based, Successive Approximation Register (SAR) A/D converter with Sample-and-Hold (S/H), reference, clock, interface for microprocessor use, and 3-state output drivers.

The ADS7805 is specified at a 100kHz sampling rate and ensured over the full temperature range. Laser-trimmed scaling resistors provide an industry-standard �10V input range while the innovative design allows operation from a single +5V supply, with power dissipation under 100mW.

Maximum Ratings:
Analog inputs:�25V
(REF+VANA+0.3Vto AGND2-0.3V ; CAP Indifinite Short to AGND2 Momentary Short to VANA)
Ground Voltage Differences(DGND, AGND1, AGND2): �0.3V
VANA:7V ; VDIG to VANA: 0.3V ; VDIG: 7V
Digital Inputs: -0.3V to +VDIG +0.3V
Max. Junction Temperature: 165�C
Internal Power Dissipation: 825mW
Lead Soldering Temperature 10 seconds: 300�C

Electrical characteristics
(TA=-25�C to 85�C, fs=100kHz, VDIG =VANA=+5V, using internal reference unless otherwise specified)
Resolution: 16 bits
Analog Input Typ.: Voltage Ranges �10V ; Impedance 23kΩ ; Capacitance 35pF
Throughput Speed: Conversion Cycle(Acquire & Convert)10�s max ; Throughput Rate 100kHz min.

DC Accuracy:
Integral Linearity Error: �4 LSB
No Missing Codes: 15 min.
Transition Noise: 1.3 LSB typ.
Full Scale Error: �0.5% max.
Full Scale Error Drift: �7ppm/�C typ.
Bipolar Zero Error: �10mV
Bipolar Error Drift: �2 ppm/�C
Power Supply Sensitivity(4.75V<VD<5.25V): �8 LSB

AC Accuracy: (fIN=20kHz)
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range: 90dB min.
Total Harmonic Distortion: -90db max.
Signal-to-(Noise+Distortion)-60bd Input: 30dB typ.
Full-Power Bandwidth: 250kHz typ.

Sampling Dymnamics
Aperture Delay: 40ns typ.
Transient Response (FS Step): 2�s max.
Overvoltage Recovery: 150ns typ.

Internal reference Voltage: 2.48V min. ; 2.5V typ. ; 2.52V max.
Int. Ref. Source Current(must use external buffer): 1�a typ.
Internal Reference Drift: 8 ppm/�C
Ext. Ref. Voltage Range for Specified Linearity: 2.3V min ; 2.5V typ ; 2.7V max.
External Reference Current Drain(Ext.2.5000V Ref): 100�A max.

Digital Inputs / Logic Levels:
VIL: -0.3V min.,8V max.; VIH 2V min,VD3V max. ; IIL �10�A ; IIH �10�A

Digital Outputs: Parallel 16 Bits
Data Format: Binary Two's Complement
Data Coding: VOL(ISINK=1.6mA) 0.4V max. ; VOH(ISOURCE=500�A) 4V min.
Leakage Current(High-Z State,VOUT=0V to VDIG: �5�A
Output Capacitance(High-Z State): 15pF max.

Digital Timing: Bus Access Time 83ns max. ; Bus Relinquish Time 83ns max.

Power Supplies:
Specified Performance
VDIG(Must be ≤VANA): 4.75V min.; 5V typ; 5.25 max.
VANA: 4.75V min.; 5V typ.; 5.25 max.
IDIG: 3mA typ.
IANA: 16mA typ.
Power Dissipation(fS=100kHz): 100mW max.

Temperature Range:
Specified Performance: -25�C to 85�C
Operating Temperature: -40�C to 85�C
Derated Performance: -55�C to 125�C
Storage: -65�C to 150�C
Thermal Resistance: 75LC/W

Manufactured by: Burr Brown/Texas Instuments
Part number: ADS7805P

Full datasheet: ADS7805P