
LM311M 8 Pin Comparator SMT IC

LM311M 8 Pin Comparator SMT IC

Manufacturer: National Semiconductor
Part Number: LM311M

Price: $0.35
2693 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC384PD
Weight: 0.02oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Surface Mount Voltage Comparator
8 Pin

Maximum Ratings:
Total Supply Voltage(V84): 36V
Output to Negative Supply Voltage(V74): 40V
Ground to Negative Supply Voltage(V14): 30V
Differential Input Voltage: ±30V
Input Voltage: ±15V
Power Dissipation: 500 mW
ESD Rating: 300V
Output Short Circuit Duration 10 sec
Operating Temperature: 0° to 70°C
Storage Temperature: −65°C to 150°C
Lead Temperature(soldering, 10 sec): 260°C
Voltage at Strobe Pin: V+−5V

Electrical Characteristics(Typical) (TA=25°C unless otherwise noted):
Input Offset Voltage(R(S)≤50k): 2mV
Input Offset Current: 6nA
Input Bias Current: 100nA
Voltage Gain: 200V/mV
Response Time: 200ns
Saturation Voltage: .75V
(VIN≤−10 mV, IOUT=50 mA)

Manufactured by: National Semiconductor
Part number: LM311M

Full datasheet: LM311M