
74HC126AD MC74HC126AD Quad Noninverting Buffer IC

74HC126AD MC74HC126AD Quad Noninverting Buffer IC

Manufacturer: On Semiconductor
Part Number: MC74HC126AD

Price: $0.25
124 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC407PD
Weight: 0.02oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Quad Noninverting Buffer IC's
High Performance Silicon Gate CMOS
SOIC-14 Package

Maximum Ratings:
DC Supply Voltage(Referenced to GND): -0.5V to +7.0V
DC Input Voltage(Referenced to GND): -0.5V to VCC +0.5V
DC Output Voltage(Referenced to GND): -0.5V to VCC +0.5V
DC Input Current, per Pin: �20mA
DC Output Current, per Pin: �35mA
DC Supply Current, VCC & GND Pins: �75mA
Power Dissipation in Still Air: 500mW
Derating: -7 mW/�C from 65� to 125�C
Storage Temperature: -65�C to 150�C
Lead Temperature (1mm from case for 10s): 260�C

Recommended Operating Conditions:
DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND): 2V min. ; 6V max.
DC Input & Output Voltage (Referenced to GND): 0V min. ; VCC max.
Operating Temperature: -55�C to 125�C
Input Rise and Fall Time:
- VCC = 2.0V: 1000ns max.
- VCC = 4.5V: 500ns max.
- VCC = 6.0V: 400ns max.

Manufactured by: ON Semi
Part Number: MC74HC126AD

Full Datasheet: MC74HC126AD