
AD7528JN CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC IC Analog Devices

AD7528JN CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC IC Analog Devices

Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD7528JN

Price: $8.84
41 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC464PE01
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Additional Information

Multiplying Digital Analog Converters
CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered

- On-Chip Latches for Both DACs
- +5 V to +15 V Operation
- DACs Matched to 1%
- Four Quadrant Multiplication
- TTL/CMOS Compatible
- Latch Free (Protection Schottkys not Required)

(VREF A = VREF B = +10 V; OUT A = OUT B = O V unless otherwise noted)
(VDD=±5V, TA=25°C)

Resolution: 8 Bits
Relative Accuracy: ±1 LSB max
Input Resistance (VREF A, VREF B): 8kΩ min.
- (Input Resistance TC = –300 ppm/°C, Typical)
Input High Voltage: 2.4V min.
Input Current: ±1V max.
Write Pulsewidth: 90ns min.
Digital to Analog Glitch Impulse: 160nV/sec typ
- (For Code Transition 00000000 to 11111111)
Output Capacitance (DAC Latches Loaded with 00000000):
- COUTA: 50pf max
- COUTB: 50pF max.

Applications-Digital Control of:
- Gain/Attenuation
- Filter Parameters
- Stereo Audio Circuits
- X-Y Graphics

Manufactured by: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD7528JN

Full Datasheet: AD7528JN