
AD8016ARE XDSL Line Driver IC Analog Devices

AD8016ARE XDSL Line Driver IC Analog Devices

Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD8016ARE

Price: $10.35
43 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC478PE01
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Additional Information

XDSL Line Drivers

Typical Specifications:
(@ 25°C, VS = ±12 V, RL = 100Ω, PWDN0, PWDN1 = (1, 1), TMIN = –40°C,TMAX = +85°C, unless otherwise noted.)

Dynamic Performance:
- Bandwidth for 0.1 dB Flatness: 38MHz
(G = +5, RF = 499 Ω, VOUT = 0.2 V p-p)
- Large Signal Bandwidth(VOUT = 4 V p-p): 90MHz
- Slew Rate (VOUT = 4 V p-p, G = +2): 1000V/us
- Rise and Fall Time (VOUT = 2 V p-p): 2ns

Input Characteristics:
- RTI Offset Voltage: 1.0mV
- +Input Bias Current: -45uA to 45ua
- Input Resistance: 400kΩ
- Input Capacitance: 2pF

Output Characteristics:
- Output Voltage Swing (Single-Ended, RL = 100 Ω): -11V to 11V
- Linear Output Current(G = 5, RL = 10 Ω, f1 = 100 kHz,–60 dBc SFDR): 600mA
- Short-Circuit Current: 2000mA
- Capacitive Load Drive: 80pF

Power Supply:
- Operating Range: ±3V to ±13V
- Recovery Time (To 95% of IQ): 25uS
- Shutdown Current (250 μA Out of Bias Pin): 1.5mA/Amp

Manufactured by: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD8016ARE

Full Datasheet: AD8016ARE