
AD7846JP 16 Bit Digital Analog Converter DAC IC Analog Devices

AD7846JP 16 Bit Digital Analog Converter DAC IC Analog Devices

Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD7846JP
Watts: .1
Package: PLCC
Mounting: Surface Mount
Lead/Terminal Type: J Hook
Number Leads/Terminals: 28
Material: Plastic
Color: Black
Shape: Square
Termination Method: Solder

Price: $44.99
3 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC764APH07
Weight: 0.04oz ONZ

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Additional Information

Digital Analog Converters IC
Resolution: 16 Bits

- Sampling Rate: 143kSPS
- Parallel Data Interface
- Dual Voltage Supply Source
- Microprocessor Compatible with Readback Capability
- Unipolar or Bipolar Output
- Multiplying Capability
- Low Power (100 mW Typical)

SPECS (See data sheet for Test Conditions)

Relative Accuracy @ +25°C: ±12 LSB typ.
Differential Nonlinearity Error: ±1 LSB max.
Gain Error @ +25°C: ±12 LSB typ.
Gain TC2: ±1ppm FSR/°C typ.
Relative Accuracy @ +25°C: ±6 LSB typ.
Differential Nonlinearity Error: ±1 LSB max.
Gain Error @ +25°C: ±6 LSB typ.
Gain TC2: ±1ppm FSR/°C typ.
Input Resistance: 20kΩ min ; 40kΩ max.
VREF+ Range: VSS + 6 to VDD -6 volts
VREF– Range: VSS + 6 to VDD -6 volts
Resistive Load: 2kΩ min.
Capacitive Load: 1000pF max.
Output Resistance: 0.3Ω typ.
Short Circuit Current: ±25mA typ.
VDD: +11.4/+15.75 Vmin / Vmax
VSS: –11.4/–15.75 Vmin / Vmax
VCC: +4.75/+5.25 Vmin / Vmax
IDD: 5mA max.
ISS: 5mA max.
ICC: 1mA max.

Manufactured by: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD7846JP

Full Datasheet: 16-Bit DAC LC2MOS IC AD7846JP Analog Dvices