
74HCT173N High Speed CMOS Quad D Flip Flop Logic IC NXP

74HCT173N High Speed CMOS Quad D Flip Flop Logic IC NXP

Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors
Part Number: 74HCT173N
Package: DIP
Mounting: PCB
Number Leads/Terminals: 16
Color: Black
RoHS Compliant: Yes
Shape: Rectangle
Termination Method: Solder

Price: $1.00
498 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC844APP05
Weight: 0.03oz ONZ

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Additional Information

Quad-D Flip Flop Positive Edge Trigger ICs

The HCT173 is a high-speed Si-gate CMOS device and is pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL.

- Gated input enable for hold (do nothing) mode
- Gated output enable control
- Edge-triggered D-type register
- Asynchronous master reset
- Output capability: bus driver
- ICC Category: MSI

Propagation Delay (CL= 15 pF; VCC=5V): 17ns
Maximum Clock Frequency: 88MHz
Input Capacitance: 3.5pF
Power Dissipation Capacitance per flip-flop: 20pF

Manufactured by: NXP Semiconductor
Part Number: 74HCT173N

Full Datasheet: NXP 74HCT173N Logic IC Positive Edge Trigger

RoHS Compliant