
AT93C56-10SI-1.8 2K Bit 3-Wire Serial EEPROM SMT IC Atmel

AT93C56-10SI-1.8 2K Bit 3-Wire Serial EEPROM SMT IC Atmel

Manufacturer: Atmel
Part Number: AT93C56-10SI-1.8
Voltage: 1.8
Mounting: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 8
Color: Black
Temperature: 85
Termination Method: Solder

Price: $0.75
4887 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC846APP05
Weight: 0.01oz ONZ
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Additional Information

3-Wire Serial EEPROM ICs

- Low Voltage: 1.8V to 5.5V
- User-selectable Internal Organization: 2K: 128 x 16
- 3-wire Serial Interface
- 2 MHz Clock Rate (5V) Compatibility
- Self-timed Write Cycle (10 ms max)
- High Reliability
- Endurance: 1 Million Write Cycles
- Data Retention: 100 Years
- ESD Protection: >4000V

DC Characteristics:
Supply Voltage: 1.8 to 5.5V
Supply Current (VCC = 5.0V)Read/Write @ 1MHz:
Input and Output Leakage Current (Vin = 0V to VCC): 0.1uA (typ)
Input Low Voltage: -.06V to Vcc x .3
Input High Voltage: Vcc x .7 to Vcc + 1
Output Low Voltage (IOL = .15 mA): 0.2V max.
Output High Voltage (IOH = 100uA): Vcc - 0.2V min.

Manufactured by: Atmel
Part Number: AT93C56-10SI-1.8

Full Datasheet: Atmel SMD Serial EEPROM AT93C56