
CLL5256B SMT Zener Diode Central Semiconductor

CLL5256B SMT Zener Diode Central Semiconductor

Manufacturer: Central Semiconductor
Part Number: CLL5256B
Voltage: 30
Watts: .5
Tolerance (%): 5
Package: SOD-80
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount

Price: $0.10
4248 available for immediate delivery
Code: J284APF08
Weight: 0.01oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Surface Mount Zener Diodes

The CLL5256B is a high quality voltage regulator designed for use in industrial, commercial, entertainment, and computer applications.

Electrical Characteristics (TA=25°C, VF = 1.25V max. @ IF = 200mA unless otherwise noted):
Power Dissipation: 500mW max.
Zener Voltage (VZ @ IZT): 28.50V min. ; 30.0V nom. ; 31.50V max.
Test Current (IZT): 4.2mA
Maximum Zener Impedance:
- ZZT @ IZT: 49.0Ω
- ZZK @ IZK: 600Ω @ 0.25mA
Maximum Reverse Current (IR @ VR): 0.1uA @ 23.0V

Manufactured by: Central Semiconductor
Part Number: CLL5256B

Full Datasheet: Central Semi SMD Zener Diodes CLL5256B