2N4126 200mA 25V PNP General Purpose Transistor Motorola
Manufacturer: Motorola
Part Number: 2N4126
Capacitance (uF): .00001
Amps: .2
Voltage: 25
Watts: .625
Package: TO-92
Mounting: Through Hole
Number Leads/Terminals: 3
Temperature: 150
Obsolete: Yes
Termination Method: Solder
Price: $0.50
1956 available for immediate delivery
Code: T068BPQ05
Weight: 0.02oz
Additional Information
PNP General Purpose TransistorsOBSOLETE
Gold Leads
Collector−Emitter Voltage: 25.0V
Collector−Base Voltage: 25.0V
Emitter-Base Voltage: 4.0V
Collector Current-Continuous: 200mA
Total Device Dissipation: 625mW
Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range: -55 to 150 Degrees C
OFF Specs
Min. Collector−Emitter Breakdown Voltage (IC=1.0 mA, IB=0): 25.0V
Min. Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage (IC=10.0 uA, IE=0): 25.0V
Min. Emitter−Base Breakdown Voltage (IC=10.0 uA, IE=0): 4.0V
Max. Collector Cutoff Current (VCB=20 Vdc, IE=0): 50.0nA
Max. Emitter Cutoff Current (VEB=3.0 V, IC=00: 50.0nA
ON Specs
Min. DC Current Gain (IC=2.0 mA, VCE=1.0V: 120
Max. Collector−Emitter Saturation Voltage (IC=50mA, IB=5.0mA: 0.4V
Max. Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (IC=50mA, IB=5.0mA): 0.95V
Min. Current−Gain−Bandwidth Product (IC=10mA, VCE=20V, f=100MHz):250MHz
Max. Input Capacitnce (VEB=0.5V, IC=0, f=1.0MHz0: 10pF
Max. Collector-Base Capcitance (PVCB=5.0V, IE=0, f=100kHz): 4.5pF
Small-Signal Current Gain (IC=2.0mA, VCE=10 V, f=1.0kHz): 120 - 480
Noise Figure (IC=100 µA, VCE=5.0 V, RS=1.0kohm, f=10Hz to 15.7kHz): 4.0dB
Manufactured by: Motorola
Part Number: 2N4126
For reference only, we are providing a datasheet for this part number. Please note that this is from a different manufacturer. West Florida Components assumes no liability for this information.
Full Datasheet: Vintage Motorola PNP Transistor 2N4126 0.2A 25V