
IRFP460 20A 500V HEXFET Power MosFET Transistor Intersil

IRFP460 20A 500V HEXFET Power MosFET Transistor Intersil

Manufacturer: Intersil
Part Number: IRFP460
Amps: 20
Voltage: 500
Watts: 280
Package: TO-247
Lead/Terminal Type: Radial
Number Leads/Terminals: 3
Color: Black
Temperature: 150
Termination Method: Solder

Price: $3.00
21 available for immediate delivery
Code: T198APN09
Weight: 0.10oz ONZ
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Additional Information

HexFET Power MosFET Transistors

- Dynamic dv/dt Rating
- Repetitive Avalanche Rated
- Isolated Central Mounting Hole
- Fast Switching
- Ease of Paralleling
- Simple Drive Requirements

Maximum Ratings
Continuous Drain Current VGS @ 10V
- ID @ TC=25°C: 20.0A
- ID @ TC=100°C: 13.0A
Pulsed Drain Current: 80A
Power Dissipation: 280W
Gate-to-Source Voltage: +/- 20V
Single Pulse Avalanche Energy: 960mJ
Avalanche Current: 20.0A
Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt: 3.5V/ns
Operating Temperature: -55°C to 150°C

Manufactured by: Intersil
Part Number: IRFP460

For reference only, we are providing a datasheet for this part number, please note it is from a different manufacturer. West Florida Components assumes no liability for this information.

Full Datasheet: N-Channel Transistors 20A 500V