D40D8 1A 1 Amp 60V NPN Power Transistor
Manufacturer: National Semiconductor
Part Number: D40D8
Amps: 1a
Voltage: 60V
Package: TO-202
Lead/Terminal Type: Radial
Number Leads/Terminals: 3
Price: $7.00
695 available for immediate delivery
Code: T258
Additional Information
The D40D is a power transistor designed for various specific and general purpose applications such as output and driver stages of amplifiers operating at frequencies from DC to greater than 1.0 MHz; series, shunt and switching regulators; low and high frequency inverters/converters; and many others.Features:
High free-air dissipation
NPN complement to D41D PNP
Low collector saturation voltage (0.5V typ @ 1.0A Ic)
Excellent linearity
Fast Switching
TO-202 Package
Maximum Ratings:
Collector-Emitter Voltage:60Vceo
Collector-Emitter Voltage: 60Vces
Emitter Base Voltage: 5V ebo
Collector Current - Continuous: 1A Ic
Collector Current - Peak: 1.5A Icm
Base Current - Continuous: 0.5A Ib
Manufactured by: National Semiconductor
Part Number: D40D8