
MUN5230DW1T1 100mA 50V SMT Dual NPN Transistor

MUN5230DW1T1 100mA 50V SMT Dual NPN Transistor

Manufacturer: On Semiconductor
Part Number: MUN5230DW1T1
Amps: .1A
Voltage: 50V
Package: SOT-363
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 6

Price: $0.12
1000 available for immediate delivery
Code: T286PD
Weight: 0.01oz ONZ
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Additional Information

100mA 50V Dual Bias Resistor Transistors

The BRT (Bias Resistor Transistor) contains a single transistor with a monolithic bias network consisting of two resistors; a series base resistor and a base-emitter resistor.

These digital transistors are designed to replace a single device and its external resistor bias network. The BRT eliminates these individual components by integrating them into a single device.

In the MUN5211DW1T1 series, two BRT devices are housed in the SOT-363 package which is ideal for low power surface mount applications where board space is at a premium.

Simplifies circuit design
Reduces board space
Reduces component count
Package: SOT-363

Manufactured by: ON Semiconductor
Part number: MUN5230DW1T1

Full datasheet: MUN5230DW1T1