
BPW34FAS Surface Mount Photodiode Osram

BPW34FAS Surface Mount Photodiode Osram

Manufacturer: Osram
Part Number: BPW34FAS
Lead/Terminal Type: Gullwing
Number Leads/Terminals: 2

Price: $0.50
1076 available for immediate delivery
Code: T552PF02
Weight: 0.01oz ONZ
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Additional Information

SMT Photodiodes

- Daylight Filter
- Gullwing
- Especially suitable for the wavelength range of 830 nm to 880 nm
- Short switching time (typ. 20 ns)
- DIL plastic package with high packing density
- Suitable for vapor-phase and IR-reflow soldering

Maximum Ratings:
Reverse Voltage: 16V
Total Power Dissipation: 150mW
Operating/Storage Temperature: -40°C to 100°C

Photocurrent: 50(≥40)uA
Wavelength of max. Sensitivity: 880nm
Dimensions of radiant sensitive area: 2.65mm x 2.65mm
Half angle: ±60°
Spectral sensitivity: 0.65A/W
Open-circuit voltage: 320mV
Short-circuit current: 23uA
Forward voltage: 1.3V
Capacitance: 75pF

IR Remote Control of:
- Stereo
- Television Sets
- Video Recorders

Manufactured by: Osram
Part Number: BPW34FAS

Full Datasheet: BPW34FAS