
L4960 2.5A Power Switching Regulator IC ST Microelectronics

L4960 2.5A Power Switching Regulator IC ST Microelectronics

Manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Part Number: L4960
Amps: 2.5
Package: Heptawatt
Number Leads/Terminals: 7

Price: $2.50
31 available for immediate delivery
Code: T568PF01
Weight: 0.07oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Power Switching Regulators ICs

- 2.5A Output Current
- Precise (±2%) On-Chip Reference
- High Switching Frequency
- Very High Efficiency (up to 90%)
- Very Few External Components
- Soft Start
- Internal Limiting Current
- Thermal Shutdown

Electrical Characteristics (Tj = 25 °C, Vi = 35V unless otherwise noted):
Output voltage range(Vi=46V, Io=1A): Vref to 40.0V
Input voltage range (Vo=Vref to 36V, Io=2.5A): 9.0V to 46.0V
Dropout voltage (Io=2A): 1.4V typ. ; 3.0V max.
Input average current (Vi=46V; output short-circuit): 30mA typ. ;60mA max.
Switching frequency: 100KHz typ.
Thermal shutdown junction temperature: 150°C typ.
Quiescent drain current (0% Duty Cycle, Vi=46V): 15mA typ.

Manufactured by: ST Microelectronics
Part Number: L4960

Full Datasheet: L4960