
AD2S82AHP Socket Pull Resolver to Digital Converter IC Analog Devices

AD2S82AHP Socket Pull Resolver to Digital Converter IC Analog Devices

Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD2S82AHP
Package: PLCC
Lead/Terminal Type: J
Number Leads/Terminals: 44

Price: $28.00
239 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC567PE11
Weight: 0.09oz ONZ
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Additional Information


R/D Converter ICs
Socket Pulls - Used
Variable Resolution 10-, 12-, 14-, 16-Bit

- Monolithic(BiMOS II) Tracking R/D Converter
- Ratiometric Conversion
- Low Power Consumption: 300mW Typ
- Dynamic Performance Set by User
- Velocity Output
- ESD Class 2 Protection (2,000V min.)

Recommended Operating Conditions:
Power Supply Voltage (+Vs to -Vs): ±12V ±10%
Power Supply Voltage VL: +5 ±10%
Analog Input Voltage (SIN and COS): 2Vrms ±10%
Analog Input Voltage (REF): 1V to 8V peak
Signal and Reference Harmonic Distortion: 10% max.
Phase Shift Between Signal and Reference: ±10° max.
Ambient Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C

- Process Control
- Numerical Control of Machine Tools
- Robotics
- Axis Control

Manufactured by: Analog Devices
Part Number: AD2S82AHP

Full Datasheet: AD2S82AHP