
78M05 MC78M05BDTRK 500mA Positive Voltage Regulator SMT ON Semiconductor

78M05 MC78M05BDTRK 500mA Positive Voltage Regulator SMT ON Semiconductor

Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor
Part Number: MC78M05BDTRK
Amps: .5
Voltage: 5
Package: DPak
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 3

Price: $0.50
337 available for immediate delivery
Code: IC649APH01
Weight: 0.01oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Positive Voltage Regulators
Surface Mount

The MC78M05BDTRK is a three terminal positive voltage regulator for use as local, on-card voltage regulation. This component has internal current limiting, thermal shutdown circuitry and safe-area compensation which make it very durable under most operating conditions.

- No External Components Required
- Internal Thermal Overload Protection
- Internal Short Circuit Current Limiting
- Output Transistor Safe−Area Compensation
- High Accuracy (±2%)

Electrical Characteristics
(VI = 10 V, IO = 350 mA, TJ = Tlow to Thigh, PD ≤ 5W TJ=25°C unless otherwise noted):

Input Voltage (TA=25°C): 35V max.
Output Voltage: 4.8V to 5.2V
Line Regulation (7.0 Vdc ≤ VI ≤ 25 Vdc, IO = 200 mA): 3.0mV typ.
Load Regulation (5.0 mA ≤ IO ≤ 500 mA): 20mV typ.
Input Bias Current: 3.2mA typ.
Output Noise Voltage (TA = 25°C, 10 Hz ≤ f ≤ 100 kHz): 40uV typ.
Ripple Rejection (IO = 100 mA, f = 120 Hz, 8.0 V ≤ VI ≤ 18 V): 62dB min.
Dropout Voltage: 2.0V typ.
Short Circuit Current Limit (VI = 35 V): 350mA typ.
Peak Output Current: 700mA typ.

Manufactured by: ON Semiconductor
Part Number: MC78M05BDTRK

Full Datasheet: ON Semi 0.5A Voltage Regulator MC78M05BDTRK