
A3955SB Motor Driver IC Allegro

A3955SB Motor Driver IC Allegro

Manufacturer: Allegro
Part Number: A3955SB
Package: Dip
Number Leads/Terminals: 16

Price: $2.90
2 available for immediate delivery
Code: J328APF07
Weight: 0.04oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Motor Driver ICs

The A3955SB is a full-bridge PWM microstepping motor driver integrated circuit. It drives one winding of a bipolar stepper motor in a microstepping mode. Internal pulse-width modulated (PWM) current control combined with an internal three-bit nonlinear digital-to-analog converter allows the motor current to be controlled in full-, half-, quarter-, or eighth-step (microstepping) modes.

- ±1.5 A Continuous Output Current
- 50 V Output Voltage Rating
- Internal PWM Current Control
- 3-Bit Non-Linear DAC
- Fast, Mixed Fast/Slow, and Slow Current-Decay Modes
- Internal Transient-Suppression Diodes
- Internal Thermal-Shutdown Circuitry
- Crossover-Current and UVLO Protection

Electrical Characteristics (TA=25°C, VBB = 5V to 50V, VCC = 4.5V to 5.5V unless otherwise noted):

Load Supply Voltage Range (Operating, IOUT = ±1.5 A, L = 3 mH): VCC to 50V
Output Leakage Current (VOUT = VBB): <1.0uA typ. ; 50uA max.
Sense Current Offset (IS - IOUT, IOUT = 850 mA,VS = 0 V, VCC = 5 V): 33mA typ.
Clamp Diode Forward Voltage (Sink or Source)(IF = 0.85 A): 1.2V typ.
Motor Supply Current IBB(ON) (no load): 2.0mA typ.

Logic Supply Voltage Range (Operating): 5.0V typ.
Logic Supply Current
- ICC(ON): 42mA typ.
- ICC(OFF)(D0 = D1 = D2 = 0.8 V): 12mA typ.
Mixed-Decay Comparator Input Offset Voltage: 0mV typ. ; ±20mV max.
Reference Divider Ratio (at trip, D0 = D1 = D2 = 2 V): 3.0 typ.
Digital-to-Analog Converter Accuracy (1.0 V < VREF ≤ 2.5 V): ±3% max.
Current-Sense Comparator Input Offset Voltage (VREF = 0 V): ±5.0mV max.
Thermal Shutdown Temp.: 165°C typ.

Manufactured by: Allegro
Part Number: A3955SB

Full Datasheet: Allegro IC A3955SB