
BTS5434G SMT High Side Power Switch IC Infineon

BTS5434G SMT High Side Power Switch IC Infineon

Manufacturer: Infineon
Part Number: BTS5434G
Amps: 3.4
Voltage: 4.5 - 28
Watts: 1.7
Ohms: .045
Package: SOIC
Mounting: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 28
Color: Black
Temperature: 150
RoHS Compliant: Yes
Shape: Rectangle
Termination Method: Solder

Price: $8.00
1250 available for immediate delivery
Code: N062APN05
Weight: 0.10oz ONZ
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Additional Information

High Side Power Switch Integrated Circuits
4 Outputs

- Very low standby current
- 3.3 V and 5 V compatible logic pins
- Improved electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- Stable behavior at under voltage
- Logic ground independent from load ground
- Secure load turn-off while logic ground disconnected
- Optimized inverse current capability

Operating Voltage: 4.5V to 28.0V
Over Voltage Protection: 41.0V
On-State Resistance: 60.0 milliohm
Nominal Load Current (one channel active): 3.4A
Current Limitation: 23.0A
Current Limitation Repetitive: 6.0A
Standby Current for Whole Device with Load: 5.0uA
Rds On: 45.0 milliohm (typ)
Power Dissipation: 1.7W
Operating Temperature: -40 deg. C to 150 deg. C

- μC Compatible High-side Power Switch with Diagnostic Feedback for 12V Grounded Loads
- All Types of Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive Loads
- Suitable for Loads with High Inrush Currents
- Suitable for Loads with Low Currents
- Replaces Electromechanical Relays, Fuses and Discrete Circuits

Manufactured by: Infineon
Part Number: BTS5434G

Full Datasheet: SMD Hi-Side Power Switch IC BTS5434G

RoHS Compliant