
DTC114EC 100mA 50V NPN SMT Digital Transistor

DTC114EC 100mA 50V NPN SMT Digital Transistor

Manufacturer: Rohm
Part Number: DTC114EC
Amps: .1A
Voltage: 50V
Package: SOT-23
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 3
Material: Silicon

Price: $0.15
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Additional Information

Surface Mount Transistors
NPN epitaxial planar silicon transistor

Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter circuit without connecting external input resistors. The bias resistors consist of thin-film resistors with complete isolation to allow negative biasing of the input. They also have the advantage of almost completely eliminating parasitic effects. Only the on/off conditions need to be set for operation, making the device design easy.


Manufactured by: Rohm
Part number: DTC114EC

Full datasheet: DTC114EC