
LH0032CG LH0032 CG Op Amp IC National Semiconductor

LH0032CG LH0032 CG Op Amp IC National Semiconductor

Manufacturer: National Semiconductor
Part Number: LH0032CG
Package: TO-8
Number Leads/Terminals: 12
Obsolete: Yes

Price: $35.50
5 available for immediate delivery
Code: T545PE05
Weight: 0.10oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Operational Amplifier IC
Ultra Fast FET

Description / Additional Information

- High slew Rate: 500V/us
- High Bandwidth: 70MHz
- High Input Impedance: 10^12Ω
- Low input Bias Current: 20pA max.
- Offset Null with Single Pot
- Low Input Offset Voltage: 2mV max.
- No Compensation For Gains Above 50

Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage: �18V
Input Voltage: �Vs
Differential Input Voltage: �30V
Operating Temperature: -25�C to 85�C
Storage Temperature: -65�C to 150�C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.): 300�C

- Summing Amplifier in High speed D to A Converters
- Buffers in Data Acquisition Systems
- High Speed Integrators
- Video Amplifiers

Manufactured by: National Semiconductor
Part Number: LH0032CG

Full Datasheet: LH0032CG