
REF02CS Voltage Reference Temperature Transducer IC Analog Devices

REF02CS Voltage Reference Temperature Transducer IC Analog Devices

Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Part Number: REF02CS
Voltage: 5
Package: SOIC
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 8

Price: $1.75
3400 available for immediate delivery
Code: T606APF11
Weight: 0.01oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Precision Voltage Reference/Temperature Transducer ICs

Temperature voltage output: 1.96 mV/°C
Adjustment range: +/-3% minimum
Excellent temperature stability: 8.5 ppm/°C maximum
Low noise: 15 μV p-p maximum
Low supply current: 1.4 mA maximum
High load-driving capability: 10 mA
No external components

Typical Electrical Characteristics (VIN=15V, TA=25°C unless otherwise noted):
Output Voltage(IL = 0 mA): 4.95V min.; 5.0V typ. ; 5.05V max.
Output Adjustment(RP = 10 kΩ): +/-6%
Output Voltage Noise(0.1 Hz to 10 Hz): 15uVp-p
Line Regulation(VIN = 8 V to 40 V): 0.009%/V
Load Regulation(IL = 0 mA to 10 mA): 0.006%/mA
Turn-On Settling Time(To +/-0.1% of final value): 5us
Load Current: 8.0mA min.
Sink Current: -0.5mA typ.
Short Circuit Current (VO = 0): 30mA typ.

Manufactured by: Analog Devices
Part Number: REF02CS

Full Datasheet: Voltage Reference IC Analog Devices REF02CS