
35000uF 15V Computer Grade Capacitor Mallory CGS353U015U3L3PH

35000uF 15V Computer Grade Capacitor Mallory CGS353U015U3L3PH

Manufacturer: Mallory
Part Number: CGS353U015U3L3PH
Capacitance (uF): 35000uF
Voltage: 15V
Tolerance (%): -10% +75%
Lead/Terminal Type: Screw
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Temperature: 85°

Price: $36.50
4 available for immediate delivery
Code: J162APE11
Weight: 6.25oz ONZ

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Additional Information


Computer Grade Capacitors

Capacitance: 35,000uF
Voltage: 15V
Max Surge Voltage: 20V
Tolerance: -10% +75%
Temperature: 85°C

Dimensions: 45mm x 91mm (1.771" x 3.582")

For use in applications requiring high current filtering or energy storage.

For reference only, we are providing a datasheet for this item, please note that this exact part number is not referenced in the information. West Florida Components assumes no liability for this information.

Manufactured by: Mallory
Part Number: CGS353U015U3L3PH

Full Datasheet: CGS353U015U3L3PH