Although the industry uses various types of capacitors, the construction of a capacitor is quite simple. It has to two electrically conducting plates with a dielectric material between them. Capacitors are widely used in power distribution systems for maintaining the power factor to as near unity as possible. All types of capacitors are used – low, medium and high voltage.Telecommunication equipment use capacitors widely for varying the operating frequency and tuning of the equipment. Capacitors use a variety of dielectric materials such as ceramic, polystyrene, polyester, tantalum, paper, plastic, etc. Capacitors have a voltage rating and their capacity is measured in Farads.
Choose from:
- Aluminum Organic Capacitors
- Box Capacitors
- Ceramic Disc Capacitors
- Computer Grade Capacitors
- Electrolytic Capacitors - Axial
- Electrolytic Capacitors - Mini Radial
- Electrolytic Capacitors - Radial
- Electrolytic Capacitors - Surface Mount
- Feed-Through Capacitors
- Film Capacitors - Axial
- Film Capacitors - Radial
- Film Capacitors - Surface Mount
- Memory Backup Capacitors
- Mica Capacitors
- MKV & MKP Capacitors
- Monolithic Capacitors - Axial
- Monolithic Chip Capacitors - Surface Mount
- Motor Start - Run Capacitors
- Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors- Radial
- Multilayer Chip Capacitor - Surface Mount 1206
- Multilayer Chip Capacitors - Surface Mount 0805
- Multilayer Chip Capacitors - Surface Mount 5750
- Multilayer Chip Capacitors - Surface Mount Misc
- Non-Polar Capacitors
- Orange Drop Capacitors
- Paper Capacitors
- Polystyrene Capacitors
- Tantalum Capacitors - Axial
- Tantalum Capacitors - Radial
- Tantalum Capacitors - Surface Mount - A Case
- Tantalum Capacitors - Surface Mount - B Case
- Tantalum Capacitors - Surface Mount - C Case
- Tantalum Capacitors - Surface Mount - D Case
- Tantalum Capacitors - Surface Mount - E Case
- Tantalum Capacitors - Surface Mount Misc
- Trimmer Capacitors
- X2 Safety Capacitors & Suppression Capacitors