
1uF 63V Surface Mount Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor 2222 085 68108

1uF 63V Surface Mount Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor 2222 085 68108

Manufacturer: BC Components
Part Number: 2222 085 68108
Capacitance (uF): 1
Voltage: 63
Lead/Terminal Type: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Material: Aluminum
Color: Blue
Temperature: 85

Price: $0.75
3989 available for immediate delivery
Code: J406APF09
Weight: 0.01oz ONZ
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Additional Information

SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

- Polarized non-solid electrolyte, self healing
- Insulated rectangular case
- Miniaturized, high CV per unit
- Flexible terminals, reflow and wave solderable
- Charge and discharge proof

Capacitance: 0.1uF
Rated Voltage: 63V
Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C
Rated RMS Ripple Current @ 100Hz 85°C: 6.0mA
Maximum Leakage Curent after 5min. @ UR: 3.1uA
Maximum Dissipation Factor @ 100Hz: 0.12
Maximum Impedance @ 10kHz: 55Ω

Length: 8.8mm (0.346")
Width: 3.7mm (0.146")
Height: 3.9mm (0.154")

- Boards with restricted mounting height
- General applications, consumer electronics, low profile and lightweight equipment
- Decoupling, smoothing, filtering and buffering

Manufactured by: BC Components
Part Number: 2222 085 68108

Full Datasheet: 1.0uF 63V SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor 2222 085 68108