
150uF 400V Snap In Radial Electrolytic Capacitor Nichicon LGY2G151MHSB

150uF 400V Snap In Radial Electrolytic Capacitor Nichicon LGY2G151MHSB

Manufacturer: Nichicon®
Part Number: LGY2G151MHSB
Capacitance (uF): 150
Voltage: 400
Tolerance (%): 20
Package: Can
Mounting: Vertical
Lead/Terminal Type: Radial
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Color: Green
Temperature: -40 to 105°C
Shape: Round (Cylindrical)
Termination Method: Snap in
Size (mm): 30 x 30

Price: $2.50
118 available for immediate delivery
Code: J643APK08
Weight: 1.10oz ONZ

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Additional Information

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Radial Snap In Leads
GY Series

- Long Life
- Suited for use in industrial power supplies applications where high reliability and dependable performance are the most important.
- Suited for ballast application.

Capacitance: 150uF
Voltage: 400V
Tolerance: 20%
Temperature: -40 to 105°C

Dimensions: 30.0mm x 30.0mm (1.18" x 1.18")

Manufactured by: Nichicon®
Part Number: LGY2G151MHSB

For reference only, we are providing a datasheet for this part number, please note that this lead configuation is not referenced in the information. West Florida Components assumes no liability for this information.

Full Datasheet: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor 150mF 400V