
4700uF 100V Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor PED-PW BC Components 2222-050-59472

4700uF 100V Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor PED-PW BC Components 2222-050-59472

Manufacturer: BC Components
Part Number: 2222-050-59472
Capacitance (uF): 4700
Voltage: 100
Tolerance (%): -10/+30
Lead/Terminal Type: Radial
Number Leads/Terminals: 5
Color: Blue
Temperature: 85
Shape: Round (Cylindrical)

Price: $5.00
871 available for immediate delivery
Code: J706APN03
Weight: 3.60oz ONZ

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Additional Information

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Power Eurodin Printed Wiring (PED-PW)

- Long Life (15,000 hours @ 85 deg.C)
- Low ESR, High Ripple Current Capability
- High Resistance to Shock & Vibration

Capacitance: 4,700uF
Voltage: 100V
Temperature: 85 deg. C
Tolerance: -10% / +30%
Leakage Current @ 85 deg. C: 6.2A
ESR @ 100Hz: 42 milliohm

Dimensions: 40mm x 70mm (1.57" x 2.76")

- Computer, telecommunication, and industrial systems
- Smoothing and filtering
- Standard and switched mode power supplies
- Energy storage in pulse systems

Manufactured by: BC Components
Part Number: 2222-050-59472
Type: 4700UF100V4070

For reference only, we are providing a datasheet for this part number. This information is from the manufacturer who acquired BC Components. West Florida Components assumes no liability for this information.

Full Datasheet: 050 Series Long Life Aluminum Capacitor 4700mF 100V