
22uF 385V Axial Electrolytic Capacitor BC Components 2222-042-18229

22uF 385V Axial Electrolytic Capacitor BC Components 2222-042-18229

Manufacturer: BC Components
Part Number: 2222-042-18229
Capacitance (uF): 22
Voltage: 385
Ohms: 6.8
Tolerance (%): -10 / +50
Mounting: Through Hole
Lead/Terminal Type: Axial
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Color: Blue
Temperature: 85
Shape: Round (Cylindrical)
Termination Method: Solder

Price: $3.00
854 available for immediate delivery
Code: N083APN05
Weight: 0.20oz ONZ
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Additional Information

Axial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
042 ASH Series (Axial Standard, High Voltage)

- Long Life
- High Rated Voltage
- Non Solid Electrolyte

Capacitance: 22.0uF
Voltage: 385V
Tolerance: -10/+50
Temperature: 85 deg. C
Ripple Current (100Hz @ 85 deg. C): 290mA
Max. leakage current after 1 min at UR: 86uA
Max. leakage current after 5 min at UR: 55uA
Max. dissipation factor at 100 Hz: 0.10%
Equivalent series resistance at 100 Hz: 6.8 ohm
Max. impedance at 10 kHz: 4.1 ohm

Dimensions: 18.00mm x 30.0mm (0.71" x 1.18")

- General purpose, industrial, power supply, audio-video
- Smoothing, filtering, buffering at high voltages
- Boards with restricted mounting height, vibration and shock resistant

Manufactured by: BC Components
Part Number: 2222-042-18229

Full Datasheet: 042 ASH Series 22.0mF 385V High Voltage Aluminum Capacitor