
4.7uF 35V Radial Dipped Tantalum Capacitor ECSF1VD475K

4.7uF 35V Radial Dipped Tantalum Capacitor ECSF1VD475K

Manufacturer: Panasonic
Part Number: ECSF1VD475K
Capacitance (uF): 4.7uF
Voltage: 35V
Tolerance (%): 10%
Lead/Terminal Type: Radial
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Material: Tantalum

Price: $2.00
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Additional Information

Radial Dip Tantalum Capacitors
Solid Electrolytic

The specs and datasheet provided are for the Panasonic "EF" series which we believe to be an updated version of the "D" series of this tantalum capacitor

Miniature Size
Excellent Frequency and Temperature Characteristics

Working Voltage: 35V
Capacitance: 4.7uF
Tolerance: 10%
Case Size F
- Diameter: 4.5mm
- Height: 7.0mm
- Straight
- Space: .1"

Compact-size Electronic Equipment

Manufactured by: Panasonic
Part Number: ECSF1VD475K

Full Datasheet: ECSF1VD475K