
22uF 100V Surface Mount Electrolytic Capacitor BC Components 2222-153-69229

22uF 100V Surface Mount Electrolytic Capacitor BC Components 2222-153-69229

Manufacturer: BC Components
Part Number: 2222-153-69229
Capacitance (uF): 22
Amps: .15
Voltage: 100
Ohms: .09
Tolerance (%): 20
Mounting: Surface Mount
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Color: Blue
Temperature: 105
Shape: Round (Cylindrical)
Termination Method: Solder

Price: $0.40
2500 available for immediate delivery
Code: SME192APN03
Weight: 0.10oz ONZ

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Additional Information

SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

- Polarized Non-Solid Electolyte
- Self Healing
- Requires Minimal Board Space
- High CV per Unit Volume
- Long Life
- Charge and Discharge Proof, No Peak Current Limitation

Capacitance: 22uF
Voltage: 100V
Tolerance: 20%
Temperature: 105 deg. C
Ripple Current: 150mA
Leakage Current: 25uA
Dissipation Factor: 0.07
ESR: 0.9 ohm

Dimensions: 10mm x 12mm (0.39" x 0.47")

- Coupling, Decoupling, Smoothing, Filtering, Buffering, Timing
- Telecommunications, General Industrial, Automotive, Portable and Light Weight Equipment

Manufactured by: BC Components (Vishay)
Part Number: 2222-153-69229

Full Datasheet: SMD (Chip) Vertical Electrolytic Capacitor 22mF 100V 20%