
2900uF 350V Computer Grade Capacitor Nippon 36DY15113

2900uF 350V Computer Grade Capacitor Nippon 36DY15113

Manufacturer: Nippon Chemi-Con
Part Number: 36DY15113
Capacitance (uF): 2900uF
Voltage: 350V
Lead/Terminal Type: Screw
Number Leads/Terminals: 2
Temperature: 85°

Price: $77.50
14 available for immediate delivery
Code: J152APE11
Weight: 27.90oz ONZ
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Additional Information


Computer Grade Capacitors
36DY Series
New Old Stock

Capacitance: 2,900uF
Voltage: 350V
Surge Voltage: 400V
Temperature: 85°

Dimensions: 77.0mm x 142.0mm (3.03" x 5.59")

Manufactured by: Nippon Chemi-Con
Part Number: 36DY15113

For reference only, we are providing a datasheet for this capacitor series. Please note that it is from the manufacturer that acquired the capacitor division of Nippon and that the values of our capacitor are not referenced in the information. West Florida Components assumes no liability for this information.

Full Vishay Datasheet: 36DY Series